Welcome to Exmemo 4 All Grundtvig 2 -project forum! 

The purpose of this project is to canvass methods to facilitate adult language learning irrespective of socio-economic status, geographic location, literary skills, state-of-the-art technology or adult learner’s native language. The objectives of this project are as follows:·        Exchange of best practices in using different kinds of language teaching materials, with emphasis on e-learning materials in adult education·        Exchange of best practices in adult language e-learning·        Exchange of good practices in teaching methods, self-evaluation and evaluation methods ·        Exchange of methods of motivating ·        Exchange of adult learners’ e-learning experiences·        Creating a network of adult education providers involved in language teaching·        Canvassing existing networks of language professionals·        Canvassing methods for facilitating efficient ways of language teaching / learning among adult learners from different target groups, such as: learners living in rural areas, senior learners, immigrants